Energy Healing through Harmony in Nature: Leveraging the Sturgeon Full Moon’s Energy for Summer Renewal

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding harmony and balance can be challenging and it sometimes takes a notable event to remind us to prioritize our well-being. There’s nothing like the big beautiful orb in our night sky to signal to us to slow down and appreciate our connection to the natural world and each other. With the upcoming Sturgeon Moon occurring in August, it is a wonderful time to explore the transformative power of this time and its role in summer renewal.

What is the Sturgeon Full Moon?

The Sturgeon Full Moon, named by Native American tribes for the abundance of sturgeon fish in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water during this time, occurs every August. It is a time rich in natural energy, ripe for healing and renewal. Historically, the Sturgeon Full Moon marked a period of abundance and preparation for the coming harvest. It was a time to reflect on growth, both in nature and within ourselves, and to prepare for the transitions ahead.

The Power of Full Moons

Full moons have long been associated with potent energies that influence our emotions, behaviors, and physical well-being. The moon’s gravitational pull affects the tides, and similarly, it can affect the water within our bodies, influencing our energy fields. Each phase of the moon has a unique energy signature. Full moons are particularly powerful, representing completion, illumination, and release. The Sturgeon Full Moon, with its late summer timing, is ideal for letting go of what no longer serves us and embracing renewal.

Nature’s Role in Energy Healing

Nature provides a grounding force that is essential for energy healing. Elements such as water, earth, fire, and air are all imbued with energies that can cleanse and balance our own. By aligning with these natural elements, we can enhance our healing practices. By immersing ourselves in nature, we can synchronize with its rhythms and harness its restorative powers. Energy healers believe tapping into these natural energies can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Benefits of Outdoor Meditation & Healing Circles

Meditating outdoors with a small group of like-minded individuals allows us to amplify our connection with the earth’s energy. The sights, sounds, and sensations of nature can deepen our experience, making it more effective in calming the mind and restoring balance.

How to Harness the Sturgeon Full Moon’s Energy

Preparation is key to harnessing the Sturgeon Full Moon’s energy. Begin by setting clear intentions for what you wish to release and what you hope to invite into your life. Gather any items you will need, such as candles, crystals, and incense.

Steps to Perform the Sturgeon Full Moon Ritual

  • Cleansing and Grounding: Start by cleansing your space and yourself, using sage or another purifying herb. Ground yourself by standing barefoot on the earth, feeling the connection to the ground beneath you.
  • Moon Bathing: Find a place where you can sit or lie under the moonlight. Allow the moon’s rays to bathe you, imagining them infusing you with pure, healing energy.
  • Meditation and Visualization: Close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Visualize the moon’s energy filling you, washing away negativity and bringing in renewal. Focus on your intentions and see them coming to fruition.

Summer is a time of growth and abundance, making it the perfect season for renewal. As nature flourishes, so too can we. Embracing the energy of the Sturgeon Full Moon can help us align with the natural cycles of growth and transformation. The changing seasons reflect the cycles of life. By aligning our energy healing practices with these natural changes, we can better harmonize our internal rhythms with the world around us.

Are You Ready to Harness the Energy of the Sturgeon Moon?

If you are looking for an opportunity to join an upcoming in-person Group Healing event, I am hosting “Harmony in Nature: Harnessing the Sturgeon Full Moon’s Energy for Summer Renewal” with Special Guest: Shelli Shaeffer on Thursday, August 15th from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Spots are limited to ensure that we keep the event intimate as we share our healing practice around the fire as the sun sets. LEARN MORE HERE

The Power of Group Healing Circles: Harnessing Energy Healing & Sound for Wellbeing and Transformation

On the journey toward holistic healing and wellness, group healing circles are a profound and transformative practice that has stood the test of time. These circles combine the restorative power of energy healing, meditation, and therapeutic sounds from bowls or music to uplift the body, mind, and spirit. These intimate gatherings bring individuals together to share healing practices, often incorporating Bio-Energy Healing techniques, sound therapy, and communal meditation. The collective intention and energy of the group amplify the healing effects, providing participants with enhanced relaxation, stress relief, and a deep sense of unity and connection.

History and Multifaceted Benefits Energy Healing and Sound Bowls

Energy Healing, often seen as the soul of traditional healing, has been practiced for centuries, providing balance and vitality across diverse cultures. Sound bowls, originating from regions like Tibet, Nepal, and India, have long been integral to spiritual and healing traditions. These bowls produce tranquil sounds and vibrations that foster meditation, relaxation, and profound healing.

Healing Circles at The Grove on Tiger Mountain

I incorporate,Bio-Energy Healing into my Group Healing circles which have shown to be effective in reducing stress, alleviating pain, and enhancing overall well-being. This practice can lower cortisol levels, relieve stress, and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Many individuals report experiencing deep serenity during and after Bio-Energy Healing sessions, highlighting its ability to foster mental and emotional rejuvenation.

The Healing Power of Sound Bowls

Sound bowls, made from metal or crystal, emit resonant tones and vibrations that create a meditative atmosphere, promoting physical and emotional healing. Rooted in Tibetan and Himalayan traditions, sound bowls are known to reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall wellness. These soothing vibrations stimulate relaxation responses in the body, making sound bowls a valuable tool in holistic healing.

Joining Group Healing Circles

Group healing circles are enriched by the energy of individuals unified in their pursuit of well-being. Participants sit in a circle, creating an energetic enclave that supports individual healing. Guided meditations, energy healing, and the melodic resonance of sound bowls elevate the group’s vibrational frequency, fostering an atmosphere of transformation and rejuvenation.

Preparing for a group healing circle involves approaching the experience with an open heart and a willingness to connect with others. Wear comfortable clothes and bring items that help you relax, like a blanket or cushion. Engage in conversations before and after the session to build a sense of community and share experiences. Embracing the collective energy and intentions of the group will help you maximize the transformative benefits of the healing circle.

Get Ready for a Transformative Journey

If you are looking for an opportunity to join an upcoming in-person Group Healing event, I am hosting “Igniting Inner Transformation: Fire, Energy & Reconnection” with Special Guests: Jacki Campbell & Juro Mrsic on Thursday, July 18th from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Spots are limited to ensure that we keep the event intimate as we share our healing practice around the fire as the sun sets. For more details & to register visit:

Exploring Sacred Elemental Awakening: Harmonizing Chakras with Nature’s Elements

In the pursuit of holistic wellness and spiritual growth, many individuals are turning to ancient practices that harness the power of nature. One such approach gaining popularity is Sacred Elemental Awakening, a methodology rooted in the belief that connecting with the natural elements can harmonize the body’s energy centers, known as chakras, and promote overall well-being. By incorporating techniques like Bio-Energy Healing and channeling, practitioners delve into a journey of self-discovery and inner balance.

Understanding Elemental Awakening and Chakra Balancing

Sacred Elemental Awakening draws inspiration from the five elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air, and ether (or spirit). Each element is associated with specific qualities and energies that correspond to different aspects of human existence. By attuning oneself to these elements, individuals seek to awaken and balance their chakras, which are energy centers located along the spine.

The human body is a complex system of energy centers known as chakras. These chakras play a vital role in maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When these energy centers are in balance, we experience a sense of harmony and vitality. However, when they become blocked or imbalanced, we may encounter various issues ranging from physical ailments to emotional distress.

Chakra balancing is the practice of aligning and harmonizing these energy centers to restore equilibrium in our lives. It involves understanding the seven main chakras, their functions, and how they interact with our overall well-being. By practicing techniques for elemental awakening, you can tap into the power of natural elements to enhance the chakra balancing process. This can help alleviate physical symptoms, improve mental clarity, and enhance emotional stability. Balancing your chakras also allows you to tap into your true potential, enabling you to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Incorporating Nature’s Elements

Earth (Root Chakra): Grounding oneself in the energy of the earth is essential for stability and security. To balance this chakra, spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the earth, or practice grounding exercises such as tree pose in yoga. Surround yourself with earthy colors like brown and green, and incorporate grounding crystals like hematite or obsidian into your daily life.

Water (Sacral Chakra): This chakra governs our emotions, creativity, and sensuality. To balance this chakra, spend time near bodies of water, take soothing baths, or engage in creative activities like painting or dancing. Incorporate the color blue into your surroundings and use water-related crystals such as aquamarine or moonstone to enhance the healing process.

Fire (Solar Plexus Chakra): This chakra is associated with our personal power, confidence, and vitality. Engaging in practices such as candle meditation, or sitting by a bonfire can ignite the energy of the solar plexus chakra, fostering confidence, motivation, and personal empowerment. Surround yourself with warm colors like yellow and orange, and use crystals like citrine or amber to amplify the fire energy within you.

Air (Heart Chakra): The air element represents love, compassion, and connection. Deep breathing exercises, spending time outdoors in fresh air, or practicing yoga can help open and expand the heart chakra, allowing for greater love and harmony in relationships. Be sure to carve out time daily in open spaces where fresh air is abundant, even if only for 15 minutes. Surround yourself with the color blue and utilize crystals like lapis lazuli or blue lace agate to enhance your communication skills.

Ether (Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras): Ether, or space, is the subtlest of the elements and encompasses the higher chakras associated with communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. Meditation, chanting, or practicing mindfulness can facilitate alignment and activation of the throat, third eye, and crown chakras, leading to heightened awareness and spiritual insight. Surround yourself with the color indigo and utilize crystals like amethyst or clear quartz to enhance your connection with the divine.

Techniques for Sacred Elemental Awakening

Bio-Energy Healing is a holistic approach that works with the body’s natural energy systems to promote healing and balance. Practitioners use gentle touch or non-contact methods to clear blockages and restore the flow of energy within the body, helping to harmonize the chakras and promote overall well-being.

Channeling involves tapping into higher states of consciousness or spiritual realms to receive guidance, wisdom, and healing energy. Through meditation, visualization, or trance states, practitioners can connect with benevolent beings or their own higher selves to access profound insights and energetic support for chakra alignment and healing.

Meditate daily and set aside dedicated time to focus on each chakra. Visualize the respective element associated with each chakra and imagine it flowing through you, cleansing and balancing your energy centers.

Use Affirmations that correspond to each chakra to reprogram your subconscious mind and promote balance. For example, affirming “I am grounded and secure” for the root chakra or “I speak my truth with clarity” for the throat chakra.

Benefits of Elemental Awakening and Chakra Balancing

The process of elemental awakening and balancing your chakras offers a multitude of benefits for your overall well-being including:

Improved Physical Health: Balancing your chakras promotes the flow of energy throughout your body, enhancing physical healing and reducing the occurrence of ailments.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Chakra balancing helps release emotional blockages, allowing you to experience greater emotional stability, increased self-confidence, and improved relationships.

Heightened Mental Clarity: Harmonizing your chakras clears mental fog, improves focus, and enhances your ability to make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Deepened Spiritual Connection: Unlocking your elemental awakening opens the door to a deeper connection with your spiritual self, allowing for personal growth, intuitive development, and a sense of purpose.

Incorporating Sacred Elemental Awakening into one’s spiritual practice is a deeply personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. By embracing the wisdom of nature’s elements and utilizing techniques such as Bio-Energy Healing, meditation, affirmations, and channeling, individuals can cultivate greater harmony, balance, and vitality in body, mind, and spirit. As we reconnect with the natural world and the sacred energy within ourselves, we awaken to the limitless potential for healing and growth which resides within each of us.

If you want to explore Elemental Awakening in a group setting, join me for an outdoor, in-person event on June 20th “Sacred Elemental Awakening: Harmonizing the Soul Around the Fire” with special guest healer & channeler Kara Brown.  Kara utilizes a unique blend of healing modalities to help individuals tap into their soul’s expression and foster soul expansion. As a guide and conduit, she employs reiki, soul reading, and channeling techniques to create a supportive environment for deep self-discovery and healing. Kara will channel for the group during the Bio-Energy healing session around the fire. The two modalities will amplify the group experience promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

If you are interested in joining us, be sure to sign up early as spots are limited. You can find out more information by visiting:

Awaken Your Inner Healer through Bio-Energy Healing & Hypnotherapy

As the gentle breezes of spring sweep away the remnants of winter, nature invites us to shed our old layers and embrace renewal. Just as the earth awakens from its slumber, we can also awaken our inner healer with transformative powers by combining Bio-Energy healing with hypnotherapy techniques. Guided hypnotherapy works by inducing a state of deep relaxation and heightened suggestibility, allowing individuals to access their subconscious mind with the guidance of a trained hypnotherapist. Combining this modality with Bio-Energy healing creates a synergy that opens a clear path to our inner selves and intuition.

In this season of rejuvenation, let’s explore how these modalities can help us blossom into our fullest selves.

Holistic Healing Approach: Spring is a time of rebirth and growth, and what better way to nurture our wellbeing than through a holistic healing approach? Bio-energy healing and hypnotherapy collaborate seamlessly to address every facet of our being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This comprehensive method ensures profound and lasting healing by delving into the root causes of our ailments. Just as the spring rains quench the earth’s thirst, these modalities nourish our whole selves, fostering balance and vitality.

Activation of Inner Healing Power: Much like the dormant seeds awaiting the warmth of spring to sprout, each of us holds untapped healing potential within. Bio-Energy healing and hypnotherapy serve as catalysts, empowering us to tap into this innate power. Through hypnotherapy, we journey into the depths of our subconscious, unlocking the reservoirs of healing energy that lie dormant within. With the guidance of Bio-Energy healing techniques, we learn to channel this energy, igniting the flame of our inner healer and facilitating self-healing processes with grace and efficacy.

Release of Emotional Blockages: Springtime invites us to release the burdens of the past, much like trees shedding their old leaves. Hypnotherapy offers a pathway to identify and release deeply rooted emotional blockages that hinder our healing journey. By delving into the recesses of our subconscious mind, we confront unresolved emotions, trauma, and negative beliefs. Through this process of exploration and resolution, emotional healing blooms, paving the way for inner peace to flourish and grow.

Enhanced Self-awareness and Empowerment: Through the synergy of Bio-Energy healing and hypnotherapy, we gain profound insights into ourselves – our behaviors, thoughts, and patterns. This heightened self-awareness becomes a beacon guiding us towards positive transformation. Empowered by this newfound understanding, we reclaim the reins over our lives, taking proactive steps towards holistic well-being and embracing the full spectrum of our authenticity.

In this season of renewal, you can embrace your healing potential by attending my upcoming group online session on May 16th “Bio-Energy Healing & Hypnotherapy: Awakening Your Inner Healer” with special guest healer & hypnotherapist, Erin O’Sullivan.  Erin will lead a guided hypnotherapy meditation to relax the participants, deepen their focus, and align their intentions with the healing process, creating a receptive state. The subsequent Bio-Energy healing session will further enhance the energy-clearing process and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being to amplify the healing journey.

If you are interested in joining us, be sure to sign up early as spots are limited. You can find out more information by visiting:

Elevate Your Spring Cleaning: Clearing Energy for Balance and Well-Being

As you begin your annual spring cleaning routine this year, consider extending your efforts beyond just tidying up your physical space. Cleansing the energy in both your home and your body can significantly enhance the benefits of this ritual, promoting a sense of balance, harmony, and overall well-being.

Signs of negative energy accumulation can manifest in various ways, both physically and emotionally. These signs may include unexplained fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, or feelings of irritability, anxiety, and overwhelm. Additionally, negative energy can manifest in the home as persistent feelings of discomfort, unease, or tension among household members, along with disturbances in sleep patterns or a general sense of negativity within the space. Recognizing these signs is the first step in taking proactive measures to cleanse and restore positive energy in both your body and your environment.

To effectively clear energy in your home, consider implementing the following techniques:

Decluttering and Cleaning: Regularly decluttering and cleaning each room not only enhances physical space but also clears stagnant energy, creating a more harmonious environment conducive to positive energy flow.

Smudging: Burning herbs such as white sage, palo santo, or cedar releases smoke that can cleanse negative energy. Move the burning herbs around each room while setting an intention to clear away any stagnant or unwanted energy.

Salt Cleansing: Placing bowls of sea salt or Himalayan salt in various rooms absorbs negative energy. Regularly replace the salt and dispose of the used salt away from your home to maintain its effectiveness.

Opening Windows and Doors: Allowing fresh air to circulate throughout your home helps release stagnant energy and invites in positive, revitalizing energy. Open windows and doors regularly, especially after smudging or cleaning.

Sound Healing: Using sound vibrations from singing bowls, bells, or chimes can break up negative energy patterns and promote a sense of harmony. Move the sound tools around each room while focusing on clearing and uplifting the energy.

Similarly, recognizing signs of negative energy accumulation in your body is essential for maintaining overall well-being. These signs may include persistent fatigue, unexplained physical discomfort, emotional instability, difficulty concentrating, heightened stress levels, or unexplained illnesses. Trusting your intuition and gut feelings can guide you in acknowledging when something feels off and prompt you to take proactive steps to clear stagnant energy from your body, restoring balance, vitality, and a sense of harmony within yourself.

An easy way to clear and realign your energy is to spend time in nature. Nature provides a serene and peaceful environment that allows individuals to disconnect from everyday stressors and distractions, facilitating relaxation and mental clarity. The sights, sounds, and scents of nature have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Whether it’s a short walk in the park or an extended hike in the mountains, spending time in nature encourages physical activity, promotes the release of endorphins, and improves overall well-being.

Additionally, there are other energy-clearing techniques that you can try at home to clear your own energy. Visualization involves imagining a bright, cleansing light surrounding you and visualizing it penetrating your body to sweep away any negative energy or tension. Salt baths or foot soaks can also be effective in drawing out negative energy and impurities from the body, promoting a sense of cleansing and refreshment.

If you’re looking to further leverage your spring-clearing efforts, consider working with a Bio-Energy Healing practitioner. These practitioners can speed up the process of clearing negative energy and specifically identify where blockages occur, using specific movements and techniques to release stagnant energy and restore balance and harmony to the energy field. 

Participating in group healing sessions, like my upcoming “Spring Cleaning for Body & Mind” online event on April 18th with special guest Camron Momyer, offers an opportunity for collective energy clearing and renewal. Camron provides a quick routine aimed at cleaning and organizing the energy field, promoting feelings of clarity, confidence, and focus while enhancing the individual’s inner light. This routine includes grounding, centering, clearing, connecting, and amplifying one’s light, providing a foundation for improved energy flow and overall well-being. After her clearing, the group will begin the Bio-Energy Healing Session, further enhancing the energy-clearing process and promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for all participants.

If you are interested in joining us, be sure to sign up early as spots are limited. You can find out more information by visiting:

5 Ways to Leverage the Spring Equinox to Amplify Emotional Balance & Wellness

As the Earth awakens from its winter slumber and the gentle warmth of the sun begins to give us a reprieve from the cold and damp weather, we find ourselves on the cusp of a profound transition. Spring, with its promise of renewal and growth, invites us to shed the old and embrace the new. It is a time of transformation, both in nature and within ourselves, where the changing seasons stir within us a sense of transition and rejuvenation.

The arrival of spring and the symbolism of renewal and growth associated with the Equinox can have profound effects on our emotional state. Many people experience a sense of optimism, hope, and rejuvenation during this time, which can counteract feelings of lethargy experienced during the darker winter months. The increased exposure to sunlight also stimulates the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood regulation and happiness.

The Spring Equinox can bring about a range of physiological and psychological changes in the human body, influencing everything from sleep patterns and vitamin levels to mood and emotional well-being. Our chakras, the energy centers within our bodies, play a crucial role in maintaining emotional well-being. Just as the Earth’s energy shifts during the equinox, so too can our own energy centers become imbalanced. Bio-energy healing offers a holistic approach to restoring harmony to our chakras, thereby promoting emotional equilibrium.

As we embrace the renewal of spring and the energy of the equinox, let us also embrace the opportunity for personal transformation and growth. By incorporating Bio-Energy Healing into our lives, we can cultivate emotional balance, align with the rhythm of nature, and step into the season with a renewed sense of vitality and purpose.

Intention setting can significantly amplify the benefits of Bio-Energy healing for emotional balance and wellness by directing focused energy toward specific goals or outcomes. 

  1. Clarifies Purpose: Setting intentions allows individuals to clarify their reasons for engaging in bio-energy healing practices. Whether it’s seeking emotional balance, releasing negative emotions, or cultivating inner peace, clearly defined intentions provide a guiding light for the healing process. By articulating what they hope to achieve, individuals can align their energy and focus towards their desired outcomes.
  2. Enhances Focus: Intention setting cultivates a heightened sense of focus and mindfulness during bio-energy healing sessions. By consciously directing their attention towards their intentions, individuals can deepen their connection to the healing process and amplify the flow of energy towards their desired goals. This focused attention creates a powerful resonance between their intentions and the energetic shifts occurring within their body.
  3. Empowers Healing: Intention setting empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing journey. By acknowledging their intentions and affirming their commitment to emotional balance and wellness, individuals become co-creators of their own healing process. This sense of empowerment fosters a positive mindset and strengthens their belief in the efficacy of bio-energy healing modalities.
  4. Aligns Energy: Intention setting aligns the individual’s energy with the universal flow of energy, facilitating greater harmony and coherence within their energetic field. When intentions are clear and aligned with their highest good, the body’s natural healing mechanisms are activated, promoting emotional release, energetic balance, and overall well-being. This alignment of energy enhances the effectiveness of bio-energy healing practices and accelerates the healing process.
  5. Encourages Reflection: Setting intentions encourages individuals to reflect on their emotional needs, desires, and aspirations. Through introspection and self-awareness, individuals gain insight into the root causes of emotional imbalances and identify areas for growth and transformation. This reflective process deepens their understanding of themselves and fosters a sense of self-compassion and acceptance, which are essential components of emotional healing.

By clarifying purpose, enhancing focus, empowering healing, aligning energy, and encouraging reflection, intention setting amplifies the transformative power of Bio-Energy Healing, allowing individuals to cultivate greater harmony, resilience, and well-being on all levels of their being. 

If you are interested in further leveraging the Spring Equinox and amplifying emotional wellness through intention setting & Bio-Energy Healing, I am offering an online Group Healing Session on March 21st at 6:30pm with special guest Michèle Duquet. Michèle will lead a group intention healing, guiding participants in crafting the most effective intention before performing pendulum energy healing tailored to the group’s collective focus.

For more details about this event, visit:

Nurturing Your Heart through Bio-Energy Healing & Mindfulness

As we approach February, the vibrant red and pink hearts adorning stores serve as a visual reminder of love – a celebration for many, but for some, a trigger for memories of lost love. If you find yourself flying solo, the Valentine’s ambiance can accentuate feelings of solitude. However, amidst the romantic buzz, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of emotions on heart health. February is not only associated with Valentine’s Day but is also designated as American Heart Month, urging us to focus on our physical heart’s well-being.

The American Heart Association highlights the intricate connection between mental and cardiovascular health. When grappling with depression, anxiety, or stress, the toll on the heart is significant. Elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, reduced blood flow to the heart, and heightened cortisol levels are common outcomes. Chronic cortisol elevation leads to inflammation, a compromised immune system, and a range of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. Given these connections, nurturing your heart becomes paramount, and embracing mindfulness and energy healing emerges as effective means of doing so.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and guided imagery, incorporated into Bio-Energy healing, induce a profound state of relaxation. This not only helps alleviate stress and anxiety but also positively influences the overall energy flow within the body. Recognizing the mind-body connection, energy healing encourages individuals to explore the root causes of stress and develop self-awareness.

To align with the spirit of love in February, consider nurturing your heart through a special event. Save the date for February 15, 2024, at 6:30 PM PT, as an online group healing event awaits you. Join me and special guest Janise Stoliarova, a dedicated practitioner in dreams, channeling, and transformative spoken word. She will take you through a shamanic journey and speak to your soul through light language to prepare your body to fully embrace the Bio-Energy Healing.

This event offers an opportunity to embark on a journey of personal growth, enhanced well-being, and the potential for positive life changes in the upcoming year. As we celebrate matters of the heart in February, let’s not forget to prioritize the health of our physical and emotional hearts, embracing holistic approaches to well-being.

I’m also extending an invitation for a complimentary Healy Aura Analysis to support your journey of self-growth. This insightful analysis, conducted in a brief 15-minute call, provides valuable insights into your emotional, mental, and physical states. It also offers personalized recommendations for enhancing your overall well-being and is an opportunity to delve deeper into your energetic health. Schedule your session here and seize the chance to explore and improve your well-being.

Register here…

Embrace the New Year with Renewed Energy and Intentions!

As we step into the freshness of a new year, it’s an opportune time to realign with positive energy and set intentions for the journey ahead. If you resonate with energy healing and the Law of Attraction, you’re likely aware of the transformative power these practices hold. However, the challenges some individuals face in fully embracing these techniques can hinder their ability to manifest desires effectively. This is where Bio-Energy Healing emerges as a powerful complementary practice, enhancing the effects of the Law of Attraction.

Here’s how you can leverage Bio-Energy Healing to invigorate your manifestation practice in the New Year:

Identify and Clear Energetic Blockages

Start afresh by identifying and clearing energetic blockages within your body and energy field. By removing these obstacles, you create an open channel for the Law of Attraction to seamlessly work through.

Balance and Align Energy Centers

Begin the year by focusing on balancing and aligning your energy centers, commonly known as chakras. Harmonizing these energy centers promotes a sense of well-being, setting the stage for enhanced attraction of your desires.

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Elevate your vibrational frequency, a key aspect of the Law of Attraction. Energy healing techniques can assist in shifting your energy to a higher vibrational level, aligning you more closely with your desires.

Release Limiting Beliefs and Emotions

Embrace the opportunity to release limiting beliefs and emotions that may have held you back in the past. Clearing these negative patterns at an energetic level creates space for empowering beliefs aligned with your desires.

Support Your Visualization Practices

Kickstart the year by supporting your visualization and intention-setting practices through energy healing sessions. Enter a relaxed and receptive state, making it easier to visualize and connect with the emotions associated with your desires.

Preparing for a Bio-Energy Healing Session in the New Year:

As you embark on this transformative journey, consider these practices to prepare yourself at home:

  • Set Clear Intentions: Clearly define and articulate what you want to manifest in the coming year. Specify the details, emotions, and outcomes you wish to experience.
  • Visualization: Create vivid mental images of already having what you desire. Focus on engaging with it, feeling the emotions associated with it, and experiencing positive outcomes.
  • Affirmations: Reinforce your beliefs with positive affirmations. Repeat them in the present tense, as if your desires are already true.
  • Take Inspired Action: Manifestation requires action. Follow your intuition, take inspired steps towards your goals, and engage in activities aligned with your desires.
  • Let Go and Trust: Release attachment to the outcome. Trust in the process of manifestation, avoiding obsession over the how’s and when’s. Have faith that the universe is working in your favor.
  • Positive Energy and Mindset: Surround yourself with uplifting people, engage in joyous activities, and consciously choose positive thoughts and emotions.
  • Patience and Persistence: Understand that manifestation may take time. Practice patience and persistence, trusting that your desires are on their way.

If you’re excited about starting the New Year with a truly transformative experience, I invite you to mark your calendars for January 11, 2024, at 10 AM PT. On that day, I will be honored to serve as the Guest Speaker at the January Wisdom Soup Online Meetup Group meeting, where I’ll be discussing the topic of “Amplifying the Power of Manifestation through Bio-Energy Healing.” This is a free event.

This Wisdom Soup session is tailor-made for individuals on a spiritual journey who are eager to forge a deeper connection with their inner selves and are committed to nurturing both their mental and physical well-being. Here’s to a year filled with exploration, alignment, and the manifestation of your goals! 

Registration details will be available soon, and you can find all the necessary information on my website and Facebook Page. Get ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, enhanced well-being, and the potential for positive life changes in the upcoming year.

I’m also extending an invitation for a complimentary Healy Aura Analysis to support your journey of self-growth. This insightful analysis, conducted in a brief 15-minute call, provides valuable insights into your emotional, mental, and physical states. It also offers personalized recommendations for enhancing your overall well-being and is an opportunity to delve deeper into your energetic health. Schedule your session here and seize the chance to explore and improve your well-being.

Managing Stress & Anxiety

The holiday season, for all its joy and festivities, often ushers in a hidden guest: stress. It’s a time when expectations run high, finances can feel strained, and family dynamics take center stage. For those already grappling with chronic stress and anxiety, this season can heighten these struggles.

Chronic stress and anxiety have a profound impact on our bodies. From elevated blood pressure to weakened immune systems, these relentless companions can affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Muscle tension, headaches, digestive issues, and an overall feeling of unease become frequent visitors in our daily lives, especially during the holiday rush.

Bio-Energy Healing: Clearing Stress from Within
Enter Bio-Energy Healing. As a conduit for universal energy, practitioners employ specialized hand techniques to clear, balance, and restore the natural flow of energy within the body. This process releases stored tension and stress within our body’s tissues, offering relief from the physical manifestations of anxiety.

By focusing on healing each chakra and unlocking the body’s innate ability to self-heal, Bio-Energy Healing promotes physical relaxation, easing somatic symptoms linked to stress and anxiety.

Elevating Vibrations and Finding Emotional Freedom
In this journey towards emotional freedom, practitioners with expertise in dream interpretation, Bio-Energy Healing, and chakra clearing assist individuals. By connecting with higher vibrational frequencies, they help in reframing life experiences, providing a broader perspective, and reducing existential anxiety associated with chronic stress.

The practice of channeling and tapping into these high vibrational frequencies allows for a deeper understanding of life circumstances, fostering a sense of purpose and meaning, thereby alleviating the weight of chronic stress.

Energetic protection is crucial. Through Bio-Energy Healing and spiritual hygiene techniques, practitioners remove non-beneficial energies and clear chakras, safeguarding against external negative influences. This fortification helps individuals shield themselves from the added stressors that often accompany the holiday season.

The Synergy of Healing: Reducing Chronic Stress and Anxiety
When combined, Bio-Energy Healing and spiritual healing techniques work in harmony to address the core of chronic stress and anxiety. By rebalancing the body’s energy systems and releasing emotional blockages, these practices offer not just relief, but also spiritual and emotional support. The synergy of these methods promotes inner peace, resilience, and a reduction in the experience of chronic stress and anxiety.

This holiday season, amidst the hustle and bustle, consider tapping into these holistic practices to unlock inner peace and manage stress. On Thursday, December 21st from 6:30-7:30pm, I will be hosting an online group healing session “Managing Stress & Anxiety.” With the aid of Bio-Energy Healing and spiritual techniques, reclaim the joy and serenity the holidays are meant to bring.

Healing Relationships

For some, the holidays do not feel joyous when family get-togethers bring added stress and anxiety from strained relationships and big personalities. It feels overwhelming just thinking about past years and wondering how you are going to navigate through another season of holiday gatherings.

This year let’s make a change! While you can’t stop family members from trying to push your buttons or from spouting off rude comments, you can control your reaction to their behavior. Through guided meditation and energy healing, you can first address and examine the root cause of the relationship rift by clearing your emotions and energy. 

Do you think the relationship can be healed and do you genuinely want to repair the relationship? It’s okay if you decide that it is beyond salvaging (and should come to this conclusion if there was abuse involved). The goal is to heal yourself and release any anger or low-energy emotions that keep you from moving forward in healthy relationships. Holding onto these emotions affects your ability to have healthy relationships and can lead to chronic ailments like stress, anxiety, depression, and sickness.

When it comes to healing relationships, Bio-Energy Healing can play a significant role in several ways:

1. Clearing Energy Blocks: Negative emotions, past traumas, and unresolved issues can create energy blocks within individuals. These blocks can manifest as tension, resentment, or emotional distance in relationships. Bio-Energy Healing techniques aim to identify and clear these energy blocks, allowing for the free flow of energy and emotional expression. By releasing these energetic obstacles, individuals may experience increased openness and receptivity in their interactions, leading to improved communication and understanding.

2. Enhancing Empathy and Compassion: Bio-Energy Healing practices often involve cultivating empathy and compassion, both for oneself and others. When individuals in a relationship are more in touch with their own emotions and needs, they can better understand and empathize with their partner’s feelings and perspectives. This heightened sense of empathy can foster a deeper connection and a more supportive environment within the relationship.

3. Balancing Chakras and Energy Centers: Chakras are energy centers within the body that are believed to correspond to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Imbalances in these chakras can lead to issues such as insecurity, lack of trust, or difficulty in expressing emotions. Bio-Energy Healing techniques involve balancing these energy centers, promoting a sense of equilibrium and alignment within individuals. This balance can positively influence how individuals relate to themselves and others, leading to healthier relationships.

4. Facilitating Communication: Effective communication is crucial for healthy relationships. Bio-Energy Healing can help individuals release energetic blockages that hinder open communication. As individuals clear emotional baggage and become more in tune with their emotions, they can express themselves more authentically and listen more attentively to their partner. This leads to more productive conversations, reduced misunderstandings, and increased emotional intimacy.

6. Releasing Resentment and Past Hurts: Resentment and unresolved issues from the past can cast a shadow over relationships. Bio-Energy Healing can aid in releasing these negative emotions and experiences that are stored as energy within the body. By letting go of these emotional burdens, individuals can create space for forgiveness, healing, and renewed harmony within their relationships.

7. Cultivating Mindfulness and Presence: Bio-Energy Healing practices often encourage mindfulness and present-moment awareness. When individuals are present in their interactions, they can connect more deeply with their partner. This awareness allows them to respond to situations with intention rather than reacting impulsively, leading to more constructive and empathetic interactions.

In order to prepare for a Bio-Energy Healing session, get out your journal to take note of any trigger points that typically lead to contention in your relationship and plan a response that does not sound defensive or blaming. Also, write down what you would like to release and let go of so that you can move forward. This intention will be important to have in mind if you plan to attend my November group healing session on “Healing Relationships” while we do release work.

In addition, remember that navigating family get-togethers when you don’t get along with your family can be challenging, but there are additional strategies and techniques you can use to make these gatherings more manageable and less stressful:

Set Clear Boundaries: Determine what you’re comfortable with and establish clear boundaries for yourself. This may include limiting the amount of time you spend at the gathering or specifying topics that are off-limits for discussion.

Have an Exit Plan: Prepare an exit strategy in case you need to leave the gathering early. Having an excuse ready, such as another commitment or prior engagement, can help you make a graceful exit if things become too difficult.

Stay Calm and Grounded: Focus on staying calm and grounded in the moment. Take deep breaths, remind yourself of your boundaries, and avoid getting drawn into arguments or drama.

Limit Alcohol Intake: Be mindful of your alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking can lower inhibitions and lead to confrontations. Moderation is key in these situations.

Reflect on Your Expectations: Manage your expectations for the gathering. Understand that you may not be able to change your family members or resolve long-standing issues during a single event. Instead, focus on staying calm and remember that baby steps are still a step in the right direction.

Remember that it’s okay to prioritize your emotional health, and you have the right to choose whether to attend family gatherings. In some cases, it may be healthier to distance yourself from toxic or abusive family dynamics. Ultimately, the goal is to protect your emotional and mental health while navigating these challenging situations.