
Unleashing the Power of Energy Healing to Awaken Your Intuition

In our modern world filled with distractions and noise, it can be challenging to connect with our inner guidance and…

2 years ago

Group Online Bio-Energy Healing Session: Thurs, June 22nd

Thurs, June 22nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm$39 per personREGISTER HERE! Bio-Energy Healing attendees will be led through a group healing session as…

2 years ago

Harnessing the Power of Energy Healing to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies

With the beautiful weather in Seattle and everything in bloom right now, seasonal allergies can be a real damper this…

2 years ago

Group Bio-Energy Healing Session: Thur, May 11th, 2023

Group Bio-Energy Healing SessionThurs, May 11th from 6:30-7:30pm$39 per personREGISTER HERE Bio-Energy Healing attendees will be led through a group healing…

2 years ago

How the Spring Equinox Can Amplify Law of Attraction

There’s no better time than the Spring Equinox to put law of attraction to work and manifest what you truly…

2 years ago

Self Love = Self Care: Why putting yourself first can save your life

Why do we wait to take care of ourselves last? If our kids need their wellness check, we are johnny…

2 years ago

Bio-Energy Healing Workshop: February 23rd @6:30pm

Rebalance, Receive and Heal in a 60 minute Bio-Energy Healing Workshop. You are invited to a 1 hour online Bio-Energy…

2 years ago

6 Ways to Raise Your Vibration & Attract Love Into Your Life

We haven’t crossed into the month of February, yet walking into your local grocery store you can see that “love…

2 years ago